Импресия Розе

Импресия Розе

Бледо – розов цвят с нюанс на кайсия. Аромат деликатен, плодов – малина, череша, сладка ягода, подправки и ядки. Вкус наситен, сочен, мек, с освежаваща киселинност и траен, чист послевкус.


Бледо – розов цвят с нюанс на кайсия. Аромат деликатен, плодов – малина, череша, сладка ягода, подправки и ядки. Вкус наситен, сочен, мек, с освежаваща киселинност и траен, чист послевкус.
Подходящо за пикантни ястия, десерти, студени меса и салати, пица и паста.

Merlot is a wine sort originating in France. It gained popularity among the red wines in Bordeaux, which are a masterful combination between Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Fran and Merlot. In France the Merlot sort is mostly popular in Pomerol and Saint-Émilion. Merlot is second in popularity in the world only to Cabernet Sauvignon.

 In Bulgaria Merlot is a well-known wine. In the spirit of red wines Merlot varies from a powerful, rich body wine with a high alcohol percentage and well-pronounced aromas of chocolate and coffee, through elegant, structured fruity wines with plum aroma, bitter cherry, chocolate and tobacco, to lighter wines with vanilla aromas and red fruits. Merlot is a perfect addition to a pasta meal, pizza, roasted chicken with potatoes, turkey or pork meals. Merlot is characterized by plum aroma, which goes through an aroma of plum jam with the more mature wines. Also you can catch a whiff of cherry, raspberry, graphite, mocha, tobacco and vanilla. Usually Merlot wines are elegant with a ripe fruity taste, well-balanced soft body, even softer tannins and enough acidity. This is what makes it a preferred drink by the ladies.

Cabernet Sauvignon is the most popular red wine sort in the world,with an origin from BordeauxFrance.  Освен във Франция е разпространен и в Italy,  Spain,  USA,  Argentina,   Chile,  Australia,  New Zealand,  South Africa and others. It is raised in all wine regions and takes up to 10% of the global vineyards. In Bulgaria Cabernet Sauvignon holds the first place among the red wines. It is suitable for meals with red meats - beef, lamb, pork, bbq, burgers, as well as ripe cheese. The combination of the wine's rich tannin structure with juicy, spicy high-protein foods is as close to perfection as possible.

The all time highest prize among the red wines goes to Cabernet Sauvignon and it is distinguished with a rich dark red color, smooth texture density and an intense aroma of small red berries - blackcurrant, blueberry, blackberry and mulberry. Опитни дегустатори откриват характерни нюанси на мента и виолетка, евкалипт и кедър. При отлежаването в дъбови бъчви вината развиват богат, комплексен аромат, добавят се тонове на подправки, oak, smoke,chocolate, ванилия и cinnamon. Обикновено вината разкриват максималните си качества след 3 до 10-годишно отлежаване. Добре структурираните вина от сорта са годни за отлежаване до няколко десетилетия.







Импресия бяло

Импресия червено

Импресия розе

Ризлинг barrel aged

Шардоне barrel aged

Мерло barrel aged

ЕПВ "Шардоне" екстра сухо

ЕПВ Розе "Каберне совиньон" екстра сухo

Box - Riesling, Chardonnay, Tamianka

Box - Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot

Box - Rose

Box 5L - Riesling, Chardonnay, Tamianka

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